Monday, October 28, 2013

Ahhhh the wonderful Rotary Phone.... This is when people actually answered the phone without screening the call, and without knowing who was calling. YES can you believe that? So simple and real back then. That was a beautiful thing. People actually had to TALK to people. And even if they did not want to speak to the person, they still had no other option but to pick up the phone. If they did not want to talk to someone, they just told the person.... Although, there may have been alot of hanging up on people and the sounds of the slamming phone back then. LOL! The trade off, there was none of this screening calls, ignoring calls, not returning calls, deleting, blocking and not talking crap back then. So did Old School technology keep people more honest? My answer: YES in deed. So if your one of the few people left that actually still likes to TALK ( like myself), then you get a big fat Old School star! I actually bought a Rotary not too long ago. I really needed to get back to some basics and put some Old School back into my home, life and business. All this modern tech surrounding me I find very overwhelming sometimes. Its so nostalgic just to look at my new but old Rotary and hear it ring. The irony of this is my ringtone on my main cellphone is the classic rotary ring. Go figure... Ding a ling a ling!

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