Friday, April 3, 2015

Dog Tags...

Love and miss those days so much. I came across this Dog Tag photo, and I just couldnt resist putting words straight from my lips on it. lol. Maybe Im too old school or an old soul in many ways, but I really dislike these times & generations. Although I am SO grateful to be alive, very heathly & kickin, I still love and appreciate many things about the days I grew up in. - It was SO much more simple, intimate, real & personal. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Nothing compares to an Old Fashioned, Old School Coca Cola and milk bottle...

I'm not a big soda drinker, but drinking soda out of a bottle always seems to taste just a tad better. Love these bottles... The look and everything about them. So cool and nostalgic. Although their still floating around out there, I really wish they would bring them back (whoever they is) altogether and wipe out all those damn plastic, cartons and cans! Wouldn't that be so cool?  I say, bring back the Milkman!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

It's not a planet and it's not a Christmas ball... It is a Disco ball baby! Disco is Old School music to my ears. Disco was the "good feeling" music.

Photo Booths & Polaroids VS Selfies...

I will take a picture in a Photo Booth and with a Polaroid anyday and anywhere over a stupid goofy "Selfie"... I really miss those Old School times and things. They were so humbling and kept people humble, well at least most people.

Everytime I go on a Boardwalk, I have to make it a point to run like the Road Runner to a Photo Booth, no matter who I am with. I'm truly a BIG kid at heart.  I dragggg the other person right along with me. Haha usually I'm not dragging them too much because normally (and hopefully) the company I'm with enjoys being a kid at heart as much as me, well that's if their literally not a kid. LOL.. If thats the case then their dragging me.

As far as the whole "Selfie" thing goes.... I even caved in and surrendered to a few Selfies myself for the very first time last year (2013). And I have to admit, I felt very goofy doing it. I felt like Lucille Ball! It is kind of goofy in a sense when u think about it to take pictures of yourself, dont you think???  The first few were so awkward I did not even know how or where to hold the camera phone. When my friends saw the first few they all had the same thing to say: " "Your hiding part of your face" , and "It looks like you took a picture of the phone instead of yourself". Well lets put it this way, I may have taken a few more after those but that was it for me... The rest is history.  No more Selfies for me! Can we say amateur!?... Well that was me and my Selfie experience.

I often wonder though... Are Selfies so popular today because we are able to take pictures of ourselves now unlike before? OR, is it because people are more alone now or spend more time alone or are lonely? Is it because people socialize less in person, face to face and socialize more on the phone and internet? Is this easier for some people?... I suppose it is in some aspects easier for some people. OR, is it just plain and simple that we all have the damn cellphones glued to our hip and its that easy to snap away!? I know its become just another way of communicating today on the go and even not on the go... But I still believe it's a mix of all of the above why the world is SO inundated with Selfies... Click Click!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

More Dean Martin... "Thats Amore" ♥

A little Oldddd School video with Dean Martin singing, "Everybody Love Somebody"... Happy Valentines ♥


We live in a world so saturated by Reality Shows, Twerking, Botox, Cell Phones, Facelifts, Hastags, Computerized Voices, Fake/Enhanced Lips, Tweeting and the list goes on....Oh my God it's everywhere I go and turn, I can't get away from it! I can't take it!  What happened to this world guys? It's all just too too much. It's overwhelming.  I want to run to the moon sometimes! HELPPP!... Hey but I just realized, without the internet, even the Martians wouldn't be able to read my blog. Haha okay so we will keep the internet then.  But the second they start cell phones on the moon is the day I throw in the towel or blow up the universe. LOL!

Great Old School picture... However, what is wrong with this picture?... The one thing I find a little disturbing about it is this:

He looks all sexy, young, dapper and debonair... She on the other hand does not, at all. She appears alot older than him, kind of in a motherly way, to put it nicely - Very matronly. She does not look as young, attractive or as sexy as him. Do you agree? This is probably the only thing that I dislike and bothers me about those times - The men tended to look younger, more attractive and sexier. Not all of the time but most of the time...

When I say Old School is the best school, jeez I certainly do not mean in this aspect. A woman should always look sexy but still classy. In my fashion opinion, there's a significant difference between dressing "older" as opposed to dressing like an elderly woman, or a woman of the Sisterhood, aka, Nun...

Three men viewed this picture and these were their comments:

"If she had long hair and wore it down, that would make the world of difference".

"Something as simple as taking those shoes off and putting a pair of stilettos on would make her look a little sexy, period".

"Just take that hat off, hair down and put on a pair of high shoes on".

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Just another thought from me...

Do people change because the times change?... Or, do people simply change? Do people have an influence on the times changing? Which came/comes first? I suppose its a combination of both and it also depends on the type of change.  I understand and get we all (including myself) have to change with the times, naturally, to a certain extent. I guess its just one of those things, "if you can't beat them, join them"... Right? I know many people who grew up exactly like I have, who are now so into the whole social media thing, the newest and latest technology, texting instead of talking or calling, etc, etc, etc.. Some people have totally transformed themselves. It's crazy! I just cant seem to transform myself that much. And the little that I have is just enough for me...

Okay, maybe the good old days were not so good in some ways...

I miss the good old days...

What characterizes you as Old School? What are your strongest Old School, Old Fashioned qualities, beliefs, etc?

I am probably the most Old School when it comes down to how I met/meet men, dating and relationships. Call me Old Fashioned, but I believe a man should always make the first move (so to speak), when he initially meets a girl for the very first time. So, to the younger female generation out there, this is for you ▶ Let a guy come up to you, let him buy you a drink, let him show an interest in you, and most of all, let him ask for your number, so he can be the one to call you the first time. And if he does not do any of the above, then drop him like a hot potato!  Very simple. This approach and way of thinking always worked for me, well most of the time anyway. LOL... So it should work for you too! Haha well that's my little Dear Abby old school advice. 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Happy Super Bowl Sunday To All You Football Lovers Like Myself... May The Best Team Win!

Just a little Old School football talk (and maybe a little venting too):  1. They need to incorporate more Old School entertainment in the Half Time show. Although, that Bruno Mars threw a little old school twist in his appearance this evening... Now that I liked!

2.  Years ago, the old time football players had to earn and work for the money they made. Today, well its just handed to them. - They make millions  right out of the gate! I have always felt very passionate about this topic. I've had many conversations about it over the years... Haha some of them even a little heated at times,  especially with a boyfriend. I just think most athletes are way over paid today, period. Theres no value of money today as there was years ago especially in certain sports. There is something very wrong about it. Its just not right or ethical to me especially when this country has so many people underpaid. Well, that's it for my little tangit.. I will leave it on that note. TOUCHDOWN!