Sunday, February 2, 2014

Happy Super Bowl Sunday To All You Football Lovers Like Myself... May The Best Team Win!

Just a little Old School football talk (and maybe a little venting too):  1. They need to incorporate more Old School entertainment in the Half Time show. Although, that Bruno Mars threw a little old school twist in his appearance this evening... Now that I liked!

2.  Years ago, the old time football players had to earn and work for the money they made. Today, well its just handed to them. - They make millions  right out of the gate! I have always felt very passionate about this topic. I've had many conversations about it over the years... Haha some of them even a little heated at times,  especially with a boyfriend. I just think most athletes are way over paid today, period. Theres no value of money today as there was years ago especially in certain sports. There is something very wrong about it. Its just not right or ethical to me especially when this country has so many people underpaid. Well, that's it for my little tangit.. I will leave it on that note. TOUCHDOWN!

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