Thursday, February 13, 2014

Great Old School picture... However, what is wrong with this picture?... The one thing I find a little disturbing about it is this:

He looks all sexy, young, dapper and debonair... She on the other hand does not, at all. She appears alot older than him, kind of in a motherly way, to put it nicely - Very matronly. She does not look as young, attractive or as sexy as him. Do you agree? This is probably the only thing that I dislike and bothers me about those times - The men tended to look younger, more attractive and sexier. Not all of the time but most of the time...

When I say Old School is the best school, jeez I certainly do not mean in this aspect. A woman should always look sexy but still classy. In my fashion opinion, there's a significant difference between dressing "older" as opposed to dressing like an elderly woman, or a woman of the Sisterhood, aka, Nun...

Three men viewed this picture and these were their comments:

"If she had long hair and wore it down, that would make the world of difference".

"Something as simple as taking those shoes off and putting a pair of stilettos on would make her look a little sexy, period".

"Just take that hat off, hair down and put on a pair of high shoes on".

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