Saturday, February 8, 2014

What characterizes you as Old School? What are your strongest Old School, Old Fashioned qualities, beliefs, etc?

I am probably the most Old School when it comes down to how I met/meet men, dating and relationships. Call me Old Fashioned, but I believe a man should always make the first move (so to speak), when he initially meets a girl for the very first time. So, to the younger female generation out there, this is for you ▶ Let a guy come up to you, let him buy you a drink, let him show an interest in you, and most of all, let him ask for your number, so he can be the one to call you the first time. And if he does not do any of the above, then drop him like a hot potato!  Very simple. This approach and way of thinking always worked for me, well most of the time anyway. LOL... So it should work for you too! Haha well that's my little Dear Abby old school advice. 

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