Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Photo Booths & Polaroids VS Selfies...

I will take a picture in a Photo Booth and with a Polaroid anyday and anywhere over a stupid goofy "Selfie"... I really miss those Old School times and things. They were so humbling and kept people humble, well at least most people.

Everytime I go on a Boardwalk, I have to make it a point to run like the Road Runner to a Photo Booth, no matter who I am with. I'm truly a BIG kid at heart.  I dragggg the other person right along with me. Haha usually I'm not dragging them too much because normally (and hopefully) the company I'm with enjoys being a kid at heart as much as me, well that's if their literally not a kid. LOL.. If thats the case then their dragging me.

As far as the whole "Selfie" thing goes.... I even caved in and surrendered to a few Selfies myself for the very first time last year (2013). And I have to admit, I felt very goofy doing it. I felt like Lucille Ball! It is kind of goofy in a sense when u think about it to take pictures of yourself, dont you think???  The first few were so awkward I did not even know how or where to hold the camera phone. When my friends saw the first few they all had the same thing to say: " "Your hiding part of your face" , and "It looks like you took a picture of the phone instead of yourself". Well lets put it this way, I may have taken a few more after those but that was it for me... The rest is history.  No more Selfies for me! Can we say amateur!?... Well that was me and my Selfie experience.

I often wonder though... Are Selfies so popular today because we are able to take pictures of ourselves now unlike before? OR, is it because people are more alone now or spend more time alone or are lonely? Is it because people socialize less in person, face to face and socialize more on the phone and internet? Is this easier for some people?... I suppose it is in some aspects easier for some people. OR, is it just plain and simple that we all have the damn cellphones glued to our hip and its that easy to snap away!? I know its become just another way of communicating today on the go and even not on the go... But I still believe it's a mix of all of the above why the world is SO inundated with Selfies... Click Click!

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