Friday, January 31, 2014

Oh my God people put the phones down!...

This is the social world we live in now... These pics speak volumes! Funny yes, but kind of sad I think. We are out of control! This is not how we socialized or interacted in the Old School days. We really need to put the damn phones down and start looking up again!... Especially when we are in the company of someone else... And especially when we are walking and driving. Its ridulous now. I actually had someone bump into me when I was walking the other day because they were looking down at their phone. I kid you not guys! I am guilty myself of somethings with my phone. HOWEVER, two things I do not do are: Text and drive, and talk/text in the  company of someone else. One is not safe and the other is just rude. I really try to put my phone away when I am with someone, no matter who it is, where we are or what we are doing.  I don't care for when people do it, so I don't do it.  Of course there is a few exceptions to the rule - If you have children, an emergency and are a Doctor on call... Oh, and if your in love, your excused. LOL! We all know everything goes out the window when were in love. Sometimes there are no rules or etiquette when that love bug gets us. Right? In regards to texting and driving, that is just a NO NO. I spend a lot of time on the road, therefore I am more inclined to be on the phone a lot as well. But I have learned to pull over and text, or wait that extra minute until I am at a red light or stuck in traffic. So phones down and eyes up everyone!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Love this version and video combination of an Old School song, "She's A Lady" and Old School actresses... Hope u enjoy it like I do!


The Rat Pack, boozing, class, smoking and suits... The epitome of Old School men and entertainment. They did everything that wasn't good for them but they certainly looked good doing it. I wish I grew up in those times. One thing I do appreciate and admire about that era, was people, both men & woman always were dressed or got "dressed up". Fast forward 50 yrs, now of days people go to shows, casinos or sometimes even nice dinner in flip flops, jeans, tee shirts or sneakers. But I'm still ok with the era I grew up in. Hey it may not be as Old School as it was then but it still was Old School to me. Back then, flip flops were only worn on the beach.


10 Old Fashioned Date Ideas That Need Revival • Cash Cow Couple

Monday, January 27, 2014

Old School, Old Fashioned Custard Icecream Cone

Well at least we still have the traditional custard icecream cone!... They can never take it away!  I love to have one of these on occasion. They are so nostalgic and comforting.  And if it ever goes away, I will throw in the towel and give up on this non-traditonal society. Thank goodness there is people in this world that still have some sense to produce it and sell it... And thank goodness for the people out there that still like to eat them, like myself. I suppose it comes down to supply and demand. - As long as people will buy it, then people will contine to sell/ make it.  So lets keep the Old School tradition going!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

"They say I'm old-fashioned, and live in the past, but sometimes I think progress progresses too fast!" - Dr. Seuss

The pros and cons of modern vs old school - Hmmm... I do not know what is worse or more frustrating: When my cellphone is not working, or back when there was pay phones and you did not have enough money to continue the call.

I will take the stress of the pay phones back anyday, anytime! The entire phone technology back then was so much easier ( maybe not as efficient as today), but certainly easier, simple, more real, wholesome, less obligatory, more personable, and less intrusive. It kept people more honest. We actually had to go out of our way to make a call back then. And there is something real and special about that. Todays technology makes people lazier. It changed the entire dynamics of relationships, business, dating, communicating, news, commuting, the list is endless. It basically changed every aspect of life.

Love Sundays, especially the Old School kind of Sundays. How do you spend your Sundays? What make your Sundays old school?


I'll admit it, I deleted 2 people since this whole computer, cellphone and internet age.  Yes it was warranted, but I felt so bad doing it. Eventually, I ended up undeleting them. It just didnt feel right or normal to me to just delete someone like that without even speaking to them first. I guess you can say I had a few moments of a very non Old School way of doing something. I surrendered to the easy and abrupt way of not wanting to talk to someone anymore. Deleting, blocking and all that nonsense is not the way I grew up or was raised. We didn't delete people back then. We actually had to TALK to people whether we wanted to or not - We had no choice or options. Today, there is a hodgepodge of options, and people are using them in the wrong manner and abusing them. Back then, the bottom line was: We still had to talk to the person. Even if it meant confronting the person, being honest with the person, fighting with the person, or telling the person you did not want to talk to them. So when did people become so disposable to a press of a button? Its actually kind of a brutal and callous way of treating people today. I constantly hear people saying that they deleted someone, as if its nothing. I just listen and look at them and shake my head.  If your not a child, teenager or in your 20' s then you shouldn' t be deleting anyone. The younger generation has an excuse, they grew up in all this technolgy madness. It's their way of communicating. Its all they know, they do not know any better. What kind of example are we showing our children, nieces, and nephews if we are doing it ourselves? Are we indirectly telling them its ok to delete someone as opposed to communicating, talking and being honest with a person? As grown adults that did not grow up in this day and age, we should know better. If you are 40 yrs old and didn't delete someone 20 yrs ago, why would you do it now?  Is it because its an easier way to simply choose not to talk to someone? Old school means talking to people, communicating properly with one another, treating people with respect and like human beings. We seem too forget through all this technologly that we are all human beings behind the mask of technology. People that are truly Old School do not go around deleting people., they talk to people. No matter what the situation may be, no matter what someone does to you, no matter how angry, hurt or mad you are, just talk to the person, tell the person... Its very simple, its very honest and its very Old School. Remember, Old School id the best school! 


Even the character and dynamics of movies have changed dramatically... Since the Godfather saga, all mafia italian related movies went down hill in my opinion.  I particularly do not care for mafia movies of today. They absolutely do nothing for me. They do not fasinate me nor impress me. BUT I did love the Godfather... It had just the right dose of everything and was still classy. I find movies and shows like the Sopranos, Goodfellows, etc to be a bit too much. Obnoxious is the word! For one, they make Italians and woman look bad and like idiots. It's embarassing.  The content of violence, vulgarity, cheating is just over the top for me. Sadly, alot of them are based on true life. I do not find saying the word F@CK in every other sentence entertaining at all, nor necessary. To date, I must have saw the Godfather at least 10x in my life. Im actually watching Godfather 3 as Im working on this Blog. In regards to shows like the Sopranos or Goodfellows, well lets just say I wouldn' t ( or didn't) waste my time watching them more than once.

Another good article I agree with...

10 Old Fashioned Things We Should Always Keep In Our Lives | Thought Catalog

Friday, January 24, 2014

The Rotary and Answering Machine

God I really miss the days when there was ONE phone, ONE number and ONE answering machine.... No email, no internet, no cellphones, no texting , etc, etc. etc. How did this all happened? Its so crazy now!

As efficient as things may be today, its lacking the character we had back then. All this abundance of technology tends to complicates things. It has changed the dynamics of many things.  People are loosing character... Or maybe its just the people that hardly had any character to start with. All I know is, people are not communicating properly like they use to.

So to my dearest rotary and anwering machine... It seems people were much more honest and personable when you were around. You kept life, things and people more real. Please please come back, I miss both of you!  Life was so much easier and simple. It's not too late, or is it?

Times and technolgy is so far gone now that there is no turning back. The more people surrender to it and allow it to change how we communicate with one another, then the less Old School we will become.


"I'm a Republican, but I'm a Republican from the old school. I was taught that you get what you put into it. You can be anything you want to be if you work hard enough at it, and you can earn your place. That's the old way". ~ Joe Perry

The Pope = Old School

Just a little bit about my spirituality thoughts... So of course a Pope is innately Old School. In my opinion, Pope Francis has the perfect basis and combination of traditional Old School but yet openness.  l love Pope Francis. I never wanted to meet a Pope until he came along.  I find him so inspirational. Pope Francis is an ideal example of positive, encouraging and necessary change in the Catholic Church which has been long over due. Sometimes change is good and necessary in life, and we' re finally starting to see it in the Catholic Church after many many years.... A Pope that is old fashion, traditional, spiritual, warm, loving, kind and caring, BUT open, understanding, realistic, respectful, understanding, adaptable and not judgemental. We still have a long way to go in the Catholic Church however, we are finally starting to see light at the end of the very narrow tunnel. Maybe someday Nuns and Priest will be allowed to marry. I hope in my lifetime I will see it happen, and then maybe, just maybe we will start seeing more Nuns and Priest again as we did in the Old School days.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

6 Old School things technology can never replace

6 'old school' things technology can never replace | Articles | Main

Happy New Year 2014

Even though its a NEW year... Remember to keep some OLD school in you life.


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Love black & white pictures, especially these of Dean "Dino" Martin... Love him! That's Amore! Everyone smoked back then... It was kind of cool and sexy - Very theatrical.

Great dialogue from the movie, He Is Just Not Into You... So so true!


Old School VS Womans Lib...

Can a woman still be considered Old School and Old Fashion if she beleives in and supports Womans Lib?... Hmmm... Thats debatable to me. It depends on the beliefs I suppose. If a woman totally supports every aspect of Womans Lib, then naturally she can not possibly be Old School. For example:  I do not think a woman should be a Policeman or serve in the Military. Call me old fashion, ( and that I am or else I would not have created this Blog. LoL),  but certain jobs I can only see a man doing and performing.  Sorry for you ladies out there that will disagree but I have to be true to myself and beliefs.

Old School... The days when Doctors actually made "House Calls"...

I remember my/our family Doctor coming to the house when I was a child. What happened to those times? - Their obsolete. Boy oh boy, even the Medical industry has changed. I wish we can go back to those times... Ok, maybe not totally because its just not realistic, but a little bit would be nice. But there is some Old School Doctors left out there, they may not make house visits but their still Old School. For me,  I like ( and need) and appreciate that Old School demeanor, bed side manner and thinking in a Doctor.

Here's an interesting article...

What was life like before computers? - Wikianswers - Find and edit the best answers. Add your questions here.
Memories of Life Before Computer's, Cellphones, and Video Games! - Yahoo Voices Mobile

Great dialogue and so true...

Old School is getting back to the basics...

Even the language, vocabulary, expressions and slang has changed...

Well lets start with the word "Amazing" :  I never heard the word amazing used soooo much in my life!  Its overused, misused and abused. People use the word referring to something that is not even amazing, or at least in old school days it would' t be considered amazing. It drives me bonkers! What in the world happened to the good old fashion words like - Excellent, great, beautiful, wonderful, outstanding, terrific? Its as if they do not exist anymore. Child birth is amazing, Astronauts going to Outer Space is amazing,  not your cat or the dinner you at ate lastnight... LOL

" My phone us blowing up" use to be: My phone is ringing alot.

" My bad" use to be: My mistake ( My bad makes me cringe. Sorry!) Unless your under 30, then you shouldnt be saying it.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

"Old School is an action. It is something we do , not something we just talk about. It's who we are. Just don't talk Old School, Do Old School, Be Old School"

We now live in a world of the Delete button....

We went from Pencils and Erasers to the "Delete" button.  The delete button is everywhere! Its crazy! We now live in the world of delete. People have become indispensible by the hit of a button. POOF!

Urban Dictionary: old school

Sophia Loren

Classic old school

Polaroid Instant Cameras

Goodbye is right!... I miss them. They were the best. I rather take a picture with one of those anyday instead of using stupid cellphones. SNAP, their gone! I actually had one up until 2002, which I had to use it for business purposes. I tried to hold on to it forever but it was such a challenge finding film for it. So sad :(

More Old School pictures... Milk Bottles (Not cartons or plastic but real bottles!). Love that look. And remember telephone booths?... Jeezzzz did they have to remove all of them from the planet? People actually had to go out of their way to make a simple phone call back then. And do you reconize the actors and actresses especially the men with the dangling ciggarettes? Everyone smoked and martinis back then. I have to admit, although smoking is unhealthy, they looked damn sexy doing it then. Oh and the elderly lady with the other woman, well that is my dear Zia and Nonna from Italia.... Now that's Old School, Italian style.

Monday, January 20, 2014

So what is Old School? .... What does the term mean to you? What does it represent and stand for? Do you consider yourself Old School? Does it mean "Old Fashioned" to you? How old is considered Old School? ....

Sunday, January 19, 2014


I love to write and talk (and sometimes debate, lol) about things I feel very passionate about. The more passionate I am about a topic, the more I write. Writing has always been a hobby and very expressive for me since I was a child. I guess you can say I am a writer at heart ....

So why did I decide to start a blog about Old School? - Well for many many many reasons. For years, many people have told me that I should seriously consider having my own talk show, writing a book, column or a Blog someday, well here I am. But of course that is not the only reason why I decided to start this blog. As I got older and times have dramatically changed, I started realizing that I am much more 'Old School" than I had ever thought. And the more I realized I was, the more I realized others were not. I often get so frustrated, dissappointed and sad because of the lack of Old School thinking, traditions, values, beliefs and way of life today. Is the Old School ways of thinking and doing things becoming obsolete? Is it becoming an actual thing of the past? Sometimes I feel like standing on top of a mountain and just shouting out, WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS WORLD AND THE PEOPLE IN IT?! I can't stand on a mountain but I can write a Blog about...

Writing a blog and book is like a job ( but a good job).  It certainly takes alot of time and dedication, which I do not always have because I have a full time business and therefore I work alot.  Well hopefully maybe someday I will be able to work less and stay at home to write (and cook) more. Well I have to start somewhere, right?