Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Even the language, vocabulary, expressions and slang has changed...

Well lets start with the word "Amazing" :  I never heard the word amazing used soooo much in my life!  Its overused, misused and abused. People use the word referring to something that is not even amazing, or at least in old school days it would' t be considered amazing. It drives me bonkers! What in the world happened to the good old fashion words like - Excellent, great, beautiful, wonderful, outstanding, terrific? Its as if they do not exist anymore. Child birth is amazing, Astronauts going to Outer Space is amazing,  not your cat or the dinner you at ate lastnight... LOL

" My phone us blowing up" use to be: My phone is ringing alot.

" My bad" use to be: My mistake ( My bad makes me cringe. Sorry!) Unless your under 30, then you shouldnt be saying it.

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