Sunday, January 26, 2014

The pros and cons of modern vs old school - Hmmm... I do not know what is worse or more frustrating: When my cellphone is not working, or back when there was pay phones and you did not have enough money to continue the call.

I will take the stress of the pay phones back anyday, anytime! The entire phone technology back then was so much easier ( maybe not as efficient as today), but certainly easier, simple, more real, wholesome, less obligatory, more personable, and less intrusive. It kept people more honest. We actually had to go out of our way to make a call back then. And there is something real and special about that. Todays technology makes people lazier. It changed the entire dynamics of relationships, business, dating, communicating, news, commuting, the list is endless. It basically changed every aspect of life.

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