Sunday, January 19, 2014


I love to write and talk (and sometimes debate, lol) about things I feel very passionate about. The more passionate I am about a topic, the more I write. Writing has always been a hobby and very expressive for me since I was a child. I guess you can say I am a writer at heart ....

So why did I decide to start a blog about Old School? - Well for many many many reasons. For years, many people have told me that I should seriously consider having my own talk show, writing a book, column or a Blog someday, well here I am. But of course that is not the only reason why I decided to start this blog. As I got older and times have dramatically changed, I started realizing that I am much more 'Old School" than I had ever thought. And the more I realized I was, the more I realized others were not. I often get so frustrated, dissappointed and sad because of the lack of Old School thinking, traditions, values, beliefs and way of life today. Is the Old School ways of thinking and doing things becoming obsolete? Is it becoming an actual thing of the past? Sometimes I feel like standing on top of a mountain and just shouting out, WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS WORLD AND THE PEOPLE IN IT?! I can't stand on a mountain but I can write a Blog about...

Writing a blog and book is like a job ( but a good job).  It certainly takes alot of time and dedication, which I do not always have because I have a full time business and therefore I work alot.  Well hopefully maybe someday I will be able to work less and stay at home to write (and cook) more. Well I have to start somewhere, right?

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