Friday, January 31, 2014

Oh my God people put the phones down!...

This is the social world we live in now... These pics speak volumes! Funny yes, but kind of sad I think. We are out of control! This is not how we socialized or interacted in the Old School days. We really need to put the damn phones down and start looking up again!... Especially when we are in the company of someone else... And especially when we are walking and driving. Its ridulous now. I actually had someone bump into me when I was walking the other day because they were looking down at their phone. I kid you not guys! I am guilty myself of somethings with my phone. HOWEVER, two things I do not do are: Text and drive, and talk/text in the  company of someone else. One is not safe and the other is just rude. I really try to put my phone away when I am with someone, no matter who it is, where we are or what we are doing.  I don't care for when people do it, so I don't do it.  Of course there is a few exceptions to the rule - If you have children, an emergency and are a Doctor on call... Oh, and if your in love, your excused. LOL! We all know everything goes out the window when were in love. Sometimes there are no rules or etiquette when that love bug gets us. Right? In regards to texting and driving, that is just a NO NO. I spend a lot of time on the road, therefore I am more inclined to be on the phone a lot as well. But I have learned to pull over and text, or wait that extra minute until I am at a red light or stuck in traffic. So phones down and eyes up everyone!

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