Friday, January 24, 2014

The Rotary and Answering Machine

God I really miss the days when there was ONE phone, ONE number and ONE answering machine.... No email, no internet, no cellphones, no texting , etc, etc. etc. How did this all happened? Its so crazy now!

As efficient as things may be today, its lacking the character we had back then. All this abundance of technology tends to complicates things. It has changed the dynamics of many things.  People are loosing character... Or maybe its just the people that hardly had any character to start with. All I know is, people are not communicating properly like they use to.

So to my dearest rotary and anwering machine... It seems people were much more honest and personable when you were around. You kept life, things and people more real. Please please come back, I miss both of you!  Life was so much easier and simple. It's not too late, or is it?

Times and technolgy is so far gone now that there is no turning back. The more people surrender to it and allow it to change how we communicate with one another, then the less Old School we will become.

1 comment:

  1. Times and people were more honest and personable when you were around. You kept people more real. Please please come back, I miss both of you.... Life was so much easier, simple, its not too late. People are so far gone now...
